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Remote Support Session


Receive more support to self-heal, with an online session.

🙌 Krystic Energy System® (KES) Wholing $222 ~ 1 hour

  • Transcend limitations with the gentle healing energy
  • Set a powerful intention for self-healing 
  • Receive a personalised wholing transmission
  • Align to the highest timeline for yourself now
  • Lift your spirits, heart and soul
  • Resolve specific issues in life
  • AEST time zone - via zoom

📩  Email Gigi for bookings here 📬

💗 Words from Moi's KES session
(For recovery following large tumor removal)

"It is with honour I write my testimonial of my Krystic Energy journey. Gigi's loving presence and gentle voice assured me that all was safe and I felt completely relaxed from beginning, throughout the healing and right to the very end of my session.

I could feel ‘powerful’ energy like waves washing over and throughout my body. It felt like she lovingly cleared, straightened, and reorganised my entire physical skeletal system to an entirely new level.  My entire stomach was moving inside and I was thinking to myself how surprised 😮 I was at how much movement I was feeling. My intention was working and I opened up to receive.

During the healing I remember feeling I had really hot hands (like they were on fire) 🔥 and my hips were being massaged from the inside out. I also felt my right leg and know it had definitely been adjusted.

For a few days following this session I felt so calm, light, centred and peaceful and believe we had raised my body into another state of health and well being.

Gigi is a powerful healer whose love flows effortlessly. I highly recommend anyone looking for a “powerful transformation” to have a Krystic Energy healing with her. It was truly phenomenal! Thank you so so much." Moi - Queensland Australia

💗 Words from Kirsten's KES session
(For improved clarity)

“I felt so safe with Gigi guiding this healing session. She helped me formulate a statement to focus the intention and during the session I was able to see the origin of the issue in a past life at the end of Atlantis. 

It was a relaxing and ultimately soothing experience and I am so grateful to be gifted a session from such an experienced healer as Gomati - and to be able to both receive and observe the process as she facilitated it."   Kirsten - New Zealand

💗 Words from Kerry's KES session 
(For hip replacement surgery - 75 yr old)

"Whoopee! It’s done- the surgeon said it went perfectly!
To the extent that he is sending me home a day early. I have graduated from the walker to one crutch today and my body feels filled with light and love. 

Thank you so much my darling sister in spirit and healing. I feel sure that your work has been instrumental in my quick recovery.  Love and gratitude, Kerry"  Sydney Australia 


What is the Krystic Energy System® 

The Krystic Energy System®  - KES is a newly manifested technology brought from a future timeline of Earth’s Golden Age.

KES is a complete system of full body healing, miracle manifestation, and ascension that uses celestial healing/wholing technology that connects the practitioner to the Cosmic, Galactic, Solar, Earth fields of consciousness and specific frequency bandwidths. This among many other special things, allows the practitioner to go well beyond the context of healing the body, mind organism, it goes beyond the healing of the soul and surpasses even the soul levels of experience, which is where only a small portion of the totality of the Experiential Journey takes place.

In 2024 and beyond, as the Cosmic Rays of plasmic energy continue to rapidly increase entry into the Earth’s Electromagnetic Field, humanity will be experiencing these waves from all five fields of energy: Cosmic, Universal, Galactic, Solar, and Planetary. With this wisdom at heart, this new system has been brought forth - that can catapult both the recipient of the KES session and the practitioner into greater soul alignment.

The Krystic Energy System® has been known to eradicate illness, eliminate viruses deep at the cellular level, and bring the body and all its subsequent energy bodies into perfect harmony as well as balance and alter the DNA and RNA signalling.

The Krystic Energy System® is a great blessing for humankind and has the potential to be a profound catalyst for anyone who wishes to be connected, prepared and completely attuned to their light body and to the cosmic intelligence of this Universe and beyond.

💛 "A human being is a measurement of the entire universe and shares the same energetic constitution as the Field of Universal Intelligence" 💛

Shekinah & Sananda 

SKU: 1000-10-1-1

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